Monday, August 8, 2011

Hussein Chalayan

Afterworks (2008) was inspired by the horror having to leave your home at the time of war. After talks with his family Chalayan explored the ideas of how we may want to hide our possessions or how we may want to carry them with us on departure in such an ordeal.

Burka (1996) is very thought provoking. It Challenges us with ideas such as modesty, identity and feminity. Chalayan presented models wearing different length burka inspired creations with nothing underneath them, with some models being completely naked except from a mask and sandals. This ability to stay relevant to society this many years on is what makes Chalayan's work stand out above many other designers.

'Afterworks' and 'Burka" both have meanings behind them and stand out very clearly. When seeing these works I see the person inside them as well as what he is trying to portray. Fashion these days is just about the lastest trends and making an image that everyone seems to follow. Chalayan's work is not just creating clothes he creates ideas and works or art that forever cross the line between art and fashion.

The level Tunnel (2006)
Chalayan has created an installation to help advertise Level Vodka. I believe that this is still art in a way that shows different ideas than normal artists. It interacts with the audience and gives them an experience like all art installations do. "The individual going through the tunnel might feel like they are able to feel the smell or taste the sound resulting in a synaesthetic experience." It is not only trying to sell a product but also showing a piece of Chalayans Artworks. Chalayan is taking a step further and working with promotional companies to make his work.

Absent Presence - 2005 venice Biennale

I personally think that it is not a big deal if you do not make the artwork or clothing yourself. A lot of Artists are making such big artworks that they need help to make it faster. I still believe that it is all coming from that Artist. They are the one that thought of the idea and planned it all out. When looking at a piece you are not thinking of how they made it you are thinking of the concept and ideas that comes with it. In the fashion industry they have different people for everything. The designer might not be a sewer so they have someone to do that just but they still came up with the ideas and patterns. On the other hand as a painter you should be able to do your own pieces yourself. In my opinion getting someone else to do your painting will never turn out the same as your own.

1 comment:

  1. Chalayan is one of my favorite designers designers because alto of her work is more towards the artistic side of fashion but still fashion i feel that it is art but fashion as its still warble. Also i agree how you mentioned that her work is inspired by the war and family relations. also i agree how you commented that the making of your art is still considered as your art and that the design is most important.
