Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mask 1, (1997) Mixed Media

The first mask he did was for his daughters and how he would try and get them to bed every night and how he had an exercise rule over them. He wanted to try and make sculpture to appear larger to an average size human, how we would seem large to a child. This sculpture stood out for me because as soon as i saw it i knew exactly what Mueck could have been thinking when he made this. It has so much detail and emotion in it that it specks out so clearly. There is also a struggle in why Mueck has made this sculpture angry or forceful which also makes in interesting because there are so many ideas running through my mind.
Mueck had never found life sized sculptures interesting. He made 'out of scale' sculptures to enhance the emotion and effect in his Artwork. This helped him by making them larger or smaller with more detail.

These two sculptures are "In Bed" (2005) and "Big Man" (2000).

Ron Muecks Sculpture and Humanism

When using 'hyper-real' in Art terms it means 'involving or characterized by particularly realistic graphic representation'. This applies to Muecks work because even though his work is on a very large scale or is very small it still shows that realistic emotion and deepness within his work.